Here's how a general day goes for Rachel, as things change this page will be updated, but probably not very often.
Right now she currently doesn't have any therapy through the clinic but through the school. She rotates between occupational, physical, and speech therapy. During the school year she has school Monday through Thursday.
Otherwise on a normal day she usually is eating breakfast (formula by her feeding tube) when her PCA gets there. She watches or listens to PBS or a DVD while she's eating and a while afterwards so her stomach gets a chance to settle. The PCA will get her dressed and give her a bed or tub bath. Then each PCA has a stretching/therapy routine that they do with Rachel on the floor and sometimes they put her in her stander. Then she has a vest treatment at 11:30 for twenty minutes (which is a vest that inflates with air and vibrates to help keep her lungs clear). After her vest treatment it's time for lunch. Since she's usually in bed for her feedings she gets to watch cartoons again. Sometimes after lunch is over her PCA will do more practice with rolling, head control, or have her in her stander. She gets dinner at 5 and usually falls asleep about that time. In the winter she sometimes falls asleep even earlier. She has an LPN at night that repositions her to prevent bed sores, do her night time feedings, and watch to be sure that her breathing is okay. Then she wakes up and ready to go at 4-6 am and the night nurse will do a vest treatment again and then run through whatever stretching, therapy, and learning routines she likes to do with Rachel.