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Luke came home with a new puppy yesterday, with all we have going on I'm not so sure if I'm sold on the idea of two dogs. (We already have Bailey.) But Rachel LOVES the new puppy! She reached her hand out to pet it and was doing a great job tracking it with her eyes. She has the biggest grin on her face when we bring the puppy in to see her.

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We no longer have an official "leave a note of encouragement" section anymore but please feel free to leave a note! It always make our day to hear from someone!
Under any one of the entries click on "add comment". The nice thing about the new system is your comment won't be on the main page. Just putting in your name is fine, you don't actually have to put in your e-mail address or the other info it asks for.
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Joe has helped me change the format of the site so now it's more like a blog. I'll be able to add pictures and create new pages on my own now so hopefully I'll get pictures up more often. On the links side, I made extra pages that might give more background info to someone who's relatively new to the site. You can even be updated by RSS feed and if you know what that is you're already more tech savy than I am. I'm still tweaking things so if you have any more ideas let me know!
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